Maureen Fisher
author : Maureen FisherI write funny and furry adventures and misadventures, guaranteed to tickle the funny bone, lift the spirits, and warm the heart! No matter the genre, all my books contain adventure, mystery, romance, tons of humor, and always an animal or two. Or five.\n\nTransplanted from Scotland to Canada at the tender age of seven, I'm a voracious reader, volunteer for an addiction family counseling program, bridge player, yoga enthusiast, seeker of personal and spiritual growth, pickleball enthusiast, and infrequent but avid gourmet cook. My husband and I love to hike, bicycle, and travel. I've swum with sharks in the Galapagos, walked with Bushmen in the Serengeti, sampled lamb criadillas (don't ask!!!) in Iguazu Falls, snorkeled on the Great Barrier Reef, ridden an elephant in Thailand, watched the sun rise over Machu Picchu, and bounced from Johannesburg to Cape Town on a bus named Marula.\n\nA quote about my books: \ View more >>Maureen Fisher Book Series